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Key Notes & FAQ

DB Migration : If migration shows an error, check joedixon file in vendor and delete the migration file.

Codding Patterns : This project is designed using Repository Patterns. Every section has Repository and interface like (Product, Order, and Category), and may be multiple controllers for multiple panels (Admin Panel, Seller Panel)

Route System : This project has a separate route.php file. admin.php for the admin panel web.php for frontend API and api.php for mobile apps API.

Authenticate System : Yoori auth system is Sentinel (cartalyst).

Language System : In the admin panel language system (joedixon/laravel-translation) package is used. View file location (admin>setting>language).

App Config : All app config data is stored in Setting Table (app logo, title, theme color, language, currency, email setting, payment method credentials, etc.).

Cache : Usually a lot of problems come from the cache. So if you think everything is ok but still a problem then you have to do something about the cache clear. Like run PHP artisan optimize, clearing cache from the dashboard, or manually clearing all cache-related data from local storage.

composer install - if you get this type of error due to composer install Docusaurus Plushie

  • go to php.ini and active gd extension, then again run composer install
  • if you get any database error like syntexerror or migration error, just go to vendor>joedixon>database>migration then delete 2 migration file